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Identifying Market Segments

Segmentation -

Smaller groups of consumers in one market, e.g. Primark


Delivering the same marketing programme to everyone without making distinction between them.

Mass-communication -

Tailoring product offerings almost to meet the individuals needs.

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs-

According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, to achieve certain needs, the behaviour of an individual is motivated in order to move up the hierarchy. In the consumers case, when purchasing products from Stella McCartney, consumers may start off in the social needs section where they desire the clothes to feel a part of a group - in this case, being sustainable. Consumers may also purchase these products for their self-esteem or values and beliefs. Buying the product might make the consumer feel better about themselves, especially if they agree with the brands ethical values. Once the consumer has bought the product, they will have reached self-actualisation - feeling good in what they are wearing.

Segments -

- Geographic

- Demographic - Age, lifestyle, life stage, income, gender, generation, social class - Some products are marketed to specific age groups for example.

- Psychographic - Impulsivity and catching consumers attention

- Behavioural/usage - busy roads, advertisement somewhere where theres lots of people.

-Benefit-sought - benefits of consumer e.g. curly hair shampoo - according to their needs

- Situation - e.g. Christmas things are bought out in September.

- Geo-demographics

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