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SWOT Analysis

SWOT analysis stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. Strengths and weaknesses of a brand are controllable, the opportunities and threats are not. Doing a SWOT analysis can help to improve the business by assessing these points.

Internal Factors (Controllable)

Strengths - Internal capabilities that may help a company reach objectives.

Weaknesses - Internal limitations that may interfere with objectives.

Assessing Internal Environment - organisation evaluates which factors are its strength/weaknesses. This can be done through resources - technological, people, financial and physical.

External Factors (Uncontrollable)

Opportunities - External factors that the company may be able to exploit to advantage.

Threats - Current emerging external factors that may challenge the companys performance.

Assessing External Environment - Involves tracking conditions in marketplace that, although largely uncontrollable, affect the way an organisation does business. This is done by using distinctive capabilities (what the company has that others can't imitate). These include, culture, brand name, innovation.

Stella McCartney Swot -

This is a copy of the SWOT Analysis that I will put into my report.

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